Thursday, April 5, 2018

Need For a Minimum Wage on Blogs and YouTube Video Creators Who Rely on Ads as Income. Sadly, Google, and Other Internet Content Needing Sites Use Our Artwork (Writing, Photography, Video) to Line Their Pockets With Ad Income, Giving us Pennies In Return.

YouTube's relationship with creators, the source of so much success, has been turbulent

CLOSE SAN FRANCISCO - On April 23, 2005, YouTube launched with a mundane video of a man visiting the San Diego Zoo. It lasted 19 seconds and caused no shock waves. Fast forward 13 years, and the Google-owned platform has morphed into an online juggernaut that, for many Americans of a certain age, is the source for entertainment and news powered by stars that can make a mint.

 Me, "It's sad to see this demonetization happen to Youtube Video Creators. This is the problem with monopolies. They control where ads show up and how much money The Video Creators get paid. Since Google owns Youtube, it's not just a YouTube phenomenon. It is an across the board thing.
Bloggers and other sites that display ads with Adsense make mer pennies in ad revenue, even though thousands of people may have clicked on their sites and seen ads. If anything Adsense needs to be regulated by the government. There is no watchdog seeing how bloggers, who use Adsense, and it seems Youtube video creators, are paid for their work.
If there is an underclass, for the internet, it is in the monetization of these websites, and Google is mostly responsible.
Its not the only one of course. There are other sites, on the internet, that make you work long and hard and give almost nothing in return.  It could be public blogs, where you work just as hard as newspaper journalists, or photography sites that place ads on your photos, but since no government has working wage laws on the internet, internet companies can pay whatever they they want. Us content producers have to submit to this abuse, or find another way of making money.
It's a well thought out plan. Internet Sites get new content for almost free, every day, and they just live off of ads, while the artists make bupkis. 
Something needs to be done. There may need to be a minimum wage from ad suppliers. If they put an ad on your work you should make more than pennies a day. You should make a minimum wage. 
The way things stand now Ad companies pay you a lot more if someone clicks on an ad. Who clicks on an ad? If you see and ad and it interests you, say it's an ad on a bar of soap, you either go to a brick and mortar store and buy the soap, or you order from your favorite online retailer. You don't necessarily have to click on that ad for it to influence you. Trying to make money from the internet is a rigged game, and it is rigged against the content producer."

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